Paw Taw John Services, Inc.
Paw Taw John Services, Inc. ServoSensor™
The S-Series ServoSensor™ is a complete servo controller installed and interfaced inside an Temposonics® R-Series platform. It consists of a Servo Controller Module (SCM), driver and sensing element (SE) combined inside the sensor head body. Temposonics® proprietary technology is integrated directly to the SCM. This integration in the SCM provides the ServoSensor™ Controller with very fast displacement measurements and servo control outputs. Hydraulic cylinders can typically be positioned to .001"
Paw Taw John Services, Inc. Proportional Valve Tester PVT 2
Proportional Valve Tester PVT-2 In line electrical monitor for proportional hydraulic valves with on board electronics. Designed to monitor those voltages which can affect the control of proportional hydraulic valves in a hydraulic system. Configured for industry standard proportional valves (Bosch, Rexroth) operation on 24VDC, a +10VDC command signal. TESTIMONIAL: I am the Operations Manager at GPM Hydraulic Consulting and we have been using the Model PVT-02 proportional valve tester to troubleshoot proportional valves for our customers for many years now. We have purchased test boxes for all of our Consultants to use in the field when troubleshooting. This test box has saved us hours of troubleshooting and in return saved our customers hours of downtime. The box is connected in a series so you can observe the supply voltage, command signal and LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) feedback from the proportional valve while the system is running normally. You can also use the box instead of the PLC to drive the valve to see if the problem is the controller or valve itself. If you have proportional valves, you need to get one of these test boxes. Without the box to troubleshoot, your valves may get changed when there is nothing wrong with them. This box is also very affordable, a lot cheaper than what a proportional valve costs. Last year I went on a consult for a company that made floor panels for BMW. A proportional valve is what controlled the press opening and closing but the press would not move. I connected the test box to their valve in series to watch the power supply, command and feed back voltages. When a command was given to lower the press, a power supply voltage of 22.6 volts was supplied to drive the valve amplifier. Normally the voltage should be 24 volts however, 22.6 was within the acceptable limits of operating the amplifier. The command voltage applied was 3.5 volts. The LVDT feedback voltage should have been 3.5 however,
Paw Taw John Services, Inc. 3-D Scanning Carriage Control
PTJ 3D scanning carriage system utilizes the flexibility of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for machine control, an industrial computer for data acquisition, Servo Sensors® for knee motion control, Time of Flight (TOF) laser technology for carriage position, and Joe Scan 3D scanner heads for log analysis .
Paw Taw John Services, Inc. Carriage Shaft Proportional Setworks
Carriage Shaft Proportional Setworks for Hydraulic Shaft Carriage
Paw Taw John Services, Inc. Carriage Resaw System
Carriage Resaw System Full Featured Electronic Motion Control System
Paw Taw John Services, Inc. Linear Carriage System
The heart of every sawmill operation is the headrig and without a fast and accurate setworks no carriage can operate at peak performance. The Linear Positioning Carriage Control System from Paw Taw John Services provides sawmills the flexible features they require to meet market demands of today and tomorrow. From grade lumber, to cant target sizes, BOF or MOF the Paw Taw John LP System handles them all. Whether you are installing a new mill or upgrading an outdated setworks or scanning system, Paw Taw John is THE CHOICE for improved grade yield, accuracy and flexibility.