Go Fast Mfg LLC
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Go Fast Mfg Go-Around Grade System
Go Fast Mfg Go-Around Grade System
Thin Kerf sawing will yield up to 30% more yield over circle sawing, the Go Fast Go-Around Grade System is a heavy duty, high capacity, and economical solution for your grade sawing operation. This system comes complete: heavy duty built low profile saw, outfeed rolls with cant tipper, heavy duty cross over chains, infeed chains with turn, variable feed speed, quick adjust blade tracking and much more.
- A BIG BANG FOR YOUR BUCK: We provide a 16" x 16" x 16' capacity high production grade sysyem for under $200,000.
- Computer Control Setworks
- Cant Stops and Turners
- 16" x 16" Cant Capacity (Standard)
- Versatile Enough for Grade, Slab Recovery, and Pallet Pre-Cut
- Quick Adjust Blade Tracking
- Dimensions
- 384"
- 192"
- 34"
- Power
- 30HP 208/230/480/3/60 TEFC
- 15HP 208/230/480/3/60 TEFC
- Specifications
- 6" Dust Connection (1200 CFM)
- Uses 17' 6" Bands (1/2" to 2" Wide)
- Top Mounted Roller Hold Down
- Heavy Duty 2-7/16" Arbors and Bearings
- 30" Band Wheels
- Self Contained Hydraulic System with Variable 0 - 180 Feed Per Minute Feed Speed
- Capacities
- Unlimited
- Up To 16"
- 16"
- Options
- Infeed Package Deck
- Longer Rollers and Transfer Chain
- Bi-Directional Cant Flipper
- Tailing Conveyors/Green Chain
- Board Edger
- Cab
- Loading Deck